Mark Triplett and Troy Westendorf with the Triplett Westendorf Financial Group Interviewed About Social Security Claiming Options

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The Triplett Westendorf Financial Group specializes in working with professionals, as well as those individuals at or nearing retirement. Their clients appreciate quality education and demand a firm who places high value on proper planning. Helping them grow their wealth is one thing, turning it into income the right way is another.  Using the PT5 Planning Process, the Triplett-Westendorf Purpose and Timeline 5 Step Planning Process, (PT5) begins with Discovery. Understanding where they are now, and then defining where they want to go (Purpose) and when they want to get there (Timeline), programs their financial GPS.

During the interview, Mark and Troy discuss how Triplett Westendorf Financial Group takes a different approach than many financial planning and asset management organizations because they have a team of experts working to maximize retirement planning options for their clients.

Because Social Security is a necessary part of a comprehensive retirement income strategy, there are important considerations before choosing to claim early. Working with a financial professional is crucial in coordinating three types of benefits.

Mark and Troy explained that “We’re likely to introduce you to strategies that other financial firms won’t. That is because they either don’t understand them or because they don’t align with the financial objectives of their firm. It’s our belief that your retirement savings should be maximized for your benefit, not ours or that of our company. You deserve clarity, transparency, and the comfort of owning an income stream that will last as long as you do regardless of economic conditions.”

About Mark Triplett:

Investment Advisor/Founder/CEO

Triplett Financial Group clients have a “deal with it now” attitude. That’s why they are attracted to the planning process developed by Triplett Financial Group’s founder and CEO Mark Triplett. The step-by-step process guides them through the assessment of their current condition, helps them identify potential cracks, encourages them to be accountable, and empowers them to take corrective action.

Mark developed his own “deal with it now” attitude when diagnosed with thyroid cancer at age 15. “When you get that news, things that were important the day before suddenly seem trivial.

Mark believes this same approach applies to retirement income planning. If clients are going to have problems in the future, it’s better to know now and deal with it than to pretend nothing is wrong and wait until it’s too late.

Triplett Financial clients have worked hard for their retirement dollars. Mark selectively seeks clients with first-generation wealth, believing that when they work hard to build their assets, they view finances differently. Mark looks for clients that relate to his farm-raised work ethic and honest character. He demonstrates those traits in his business relationships and in the relationships that he develops with his clients.

Mark developed his character beliefs through his grandfather. Although his grandfather passed with few material possessions, hundreds lined up to pay their respects, creating a lasting memory that reminds Mark that nothing is worth more than your character.

Mark is a trusted advisor to financial professionals nationwide. Many have turned to him for guidance on their own clients’ retirement planning strategies. He is passionate about making advisors better so they can be better for their clients, believing that with simple changes, attention to detail, and a consistent process they will serve more people in an extraordinary way.

Mark, his wife Melinda, and son Hunter live in Polk City, IA. They enjoy boating, alpine skiing, and organic gardening as well as many other outdoor activities.


About Troy Westendorf


Triplett-Westendorf Financial clients respect a disciplined approach to income planning; one founded on rules-based principles. Founder Troy Westendorf brings a degree in law enforcement from NIACC, and he’s uniquely dedicated to public service and upholding the rule of law. Mr. Westendorf finds ways to apply his devotion to protecting others through retirement income planning. Through discipline and sound strategies based on math and science, his team creates lifetime retirement income.

Triplett-Westendorf Financial clients now appreciate Troy’s desire to follow in his uncle’s footsteps. Troy witnessed how his uncle enriched the financial lives of the people around him, and in 2002 Troy desired to continue his good work by entering the financial service industry. One of the first things new Triplett-Westendorf clients recognize is Troy’s commitment to mind, body, and spirit. He’s a Certified Personal Trainer and Strength Conditioning Specialist. Commitment and hard work serves him and his clients well when strengthening their wealth and health.

The Westendorf’s prioritize a balanced-life approach. Troy’s best friend, and business partner, is his wife Brenda. As a fitness instructor, she challenges him, and others, to make healthy choices. Changing lives and making lifelong friendships along the journey brings joy to their family. They have passed on their love of community, ethics, and values to their only daughter Breanna and her husband Coty.

Learn more about Triplett Westendorf Financial Group by tuning in for the interview available on iTunes, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, and the Business Innovators Radio Network here

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