World Renowned Author and Speaker Jack Canfield is Among 17 Best-Selling Authors Whose Latest Inspirational Work is Navigating The Clickety Clack

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Many have come to know that through positive thinking and manifestations, their biggest dreams can truly be a reality. And, through teachings of Jack Canfield, it is shown that everything in life is a direct result of one’s beliefs. 

Canfield, internationally known success coach, speaker and co-founder of the billion-dollar Chicken Soup for the Soul™ publishing empire, multiple New York Times best-selling author of The Success Principles, The Power of Focus, The Aladdin Factor, Dare to Win, The Key to Living the Law of Attraction, Living the Success Principles and Coaching for Breakthrough Success and named among the “Top 25 Most Influential Leaders” by Success Magazine in 2015 is featured in Navigating the Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World. Canfield once again is invited to share his empowering beliefs on positive mindset as he collaborates with other New York Times best-selling authors Bob Proctor and Christy Whitman. This inspirational read, is incredibly relevant as it features 17 contributing authors including: Liz Acar, Marcus Bird, Maria Bradfield, Natalie Cook, Jeffrey Gignac, Karen Kan, Kate Moriah, Kelly Moser, Kim O’Neill, Angi Ponder Reid, Donna Riley, Deborah Robbins, Jani Roberts, Trisha Schmalhofer, Venetta Demos Stathis, Lea Williamson, and Ariel Yarger who are walking and talking examples of individuals who are living a peace-filled life in a seemingly toxic world.

Today’s “global pandemic” falls nothing short of presenting a life that individuals are uncertain of successfully navigating through. Individuals world-wide so desperately want to eliminate feelings of indecision and replace them with conviction. Individuals’ minds are complex, but processing what this has meant as far as career and livelihood, social situations and maintaining relationships and understanding the road ahead has become far more complicated than one can fathom. The fear and doubt that fill the blanks, for many, has truly begun to take over and has caused an extremely high rate of stress, and an overwhelming amount of clickety-clack, within society. 

So, what exactly is the “clickety clack?” In 2005, Keith Leon S., owner of Beyond Belief Publishing and the man behind the concept for Navigating the Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World, and wife Maura, befriended a man named Fletch Rainey, at the Agape International Center of Truth in California. Rainey, founder of a group called, “The Spiritual Posse” soon became one of Keith and Maura’s spiritual mentors guiding them through worrisome times pertaining to money, difficulties in business, uneasiness of being in a state of constant change and if that wasn’t enough, how to adapt to it all. Rainey referred to the times filled with uncertainty as the “clickety-clack.” He explained that when thinking back to his childhood days of riding a ten-speed bicycle and needing to change gears, there is the moment when the chain jumps from one gear to the next. The sound it makes is a clickety-clack. Yet, as a child riding that ten-speed bicycle there are no worries about the gears having difficulty progressing from one to the next, but for that split second as they shift, the clickety-clack does require one to take note. Demonstrating Rainey’s point, if the individual has faith in the process, things will all work out just as they should.

Since the spring of 2020, uncertainties swirling around Covid-19 have plagued millions of people’s thoughts and new clickety-clack scenarios have inundated many lives. Canfield who draws from decades of study, practice and experience and who is known for believing in dreams becoming a reality, visualizing, acting “as if” a dream has already happened and taking action towards goals, shares his personal stories of how he is living a life with a peaceful mind in a seemingly toxic world. And he does so openly, so that all individuals may live that type of life too. Despite the troubling reality, that many face today, Canfield reveals how it is possible to create the life people desire simply by learning to believe in oneself, believe things are possible and always know that individuals have a choice in their own life.

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” – Jack Canfield, as quoted in The Soul of Success: The Jack Canfield Story

With positive expectations, discipline of mind and an openness to changing one’s mindset, Navigating the Clickety Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World will help guide readers on a transformational journey in which endless opportunities await! 



Jack Canfield is Co-Founder of the billion-dollar Chicken Soup for the Soul™ publishing empire. He is a multiple New York Times bestselling author of The Success Principles, The Power of Focus, The Aladdin Factor, Dare to Win, The Key to Living the Law of Attraction, Living the Success Principles, Coaching for Breakthrough Success, and more. He’s been a featured guest on more than 1,000 TV and radio shows. Jack has trained over 2,900 Canfield Success Principles Trainers in 107 countries. He is the founder of the Transformational Leadership Council and was inducted into the National Speakers Association’s “Speaker Hall of Fame.” In 2015, Success Magazine named Jack Canfield one of its “Top 25 Most Influential Leaders” in the personal development field, along with other world-famous names, such as Oprah Winfrey, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Steve Harvey, Robert Kiyosaki, Tony Robbins, Sheryl Sandberg, and more.