The Funnel Gamer, Hawk Mikado, Shares How The Lead Flow Engine Changes The Lead Generation Game and Helps Businesses Create Legendary Lead Flow On The Trust Factor Radio

Business News News Room

On a recent episode of The Trust Factor Radio with Neil Howe, The Funnel Gamer Hawk Mikado Shares How The Lead Flow Engine Changes The Lead Generation Game. Hawk discussed, How to Easily Create Legendary Lead Flow & Make More Sales Calls Without Having To Write A Book Or Creating A 5 Day Challenge That You Don’t Even Know Will Convert.

According to Mikado, when businesses are starting online one of the first things they must do is to generate leads online, which to most seems to be one of the most elusive things on the planet. 

Mikado said “I am probably one of the best people who generates leads and turns those leads into sales calls and turns those sales calls into paying clients. And so we’ve been taking all those systems, making it so that any entrepreneur, any business owner, can come in, implement this process, build a lead flow engine, and start generating leads immediately in their business. Then, they can start taking those leads, turn them into sales calls immediately, or get them to a webinar or to a course…whatever their goal is…and ultimately grow a business online.”

When host Neil Howe asked, “What is the difference between a website and a lead flow funnel?” Mikado answered, “A website is designed to provide credibility to someone who already knows who you are. They are really trying to determine if you’re the right fit. I would call them a hot audience. That’s hot traffic. They’re really just trying to figure out if you’re really credible at that point. A funnel is designed to take cold [and warm] traffic, educate them on what they need to do to solve their problem and prompt them to take action by contacting you for an appointment or call, or to buy your product or service.”

During the interview Mikado shared how the Lead Flow Engine can be used for online businesses and for local service based businesses as well, explaining, “So most of our clients are coaches, speakers and experts. We’ve also worked with real estate agents, real estate investors, chiropractors, doctors, restaurants and other local businesses. The process is ultimately meant to get the customer to do the thing you really want them to do, which may be a call, an appointment, join a webinar, or come into your establishment and make a purchase. In order to move the needle, let’s say for a local business that provides a service, we would provide some type of education to help the reader emotionally connect to the content, then give them an action item that actually produces results immediately. This builds trust, and gets them to move to the next step.”

The interview concluded with Mikado saying “People can get started building their own Lead Flow Engine in as little as a couple of hours. Our Lead Flow Engine comes integrated with our Legendary Lead Flow Masterclass as well as our Copy Hacking Co. system which helps you write great copy, while all the technical speedbumps are taken care of with our Funnel Bot Software.”

Hawk Mikado is the creator of the Lead Flow Engine. He is the funnel gamer and is the leading expert on funnels, lead generation and live launches. Hawk has helped 11,973+ entrepreneurs learn how to add six figures to their business. He has built 12 seven and eight figure funnels and built seven profitable businesses in the multi six and seven figure range. He is an entrepreneur, adventurer and a family man. He has a very giving heart dedicating his life to helping industry leaders change the world.

To listen to the full interview on The Trust Factor Radio, visit

To learn more about Hawk Mikado and to experience the Lead Flow Engine, please visit