Prominence Publishing hits Amazon Best Seller List with new book, “Soar”

Business News News Room

Soar was written by a group of successful and inspiring business owners, and was the brainchild of Business Success Strategist Laurie Hawkins of Hawk Inspired. Hawkins selected each co-author personally, which resulted in a beautiful compilation of everyday, authentic, powerful, remarkable people telling stories about the businesses they have created and the lessons they’ve learned. These co-authors are take action, connect to the heart, work deeply, focus profoundly, and make-it-happen leaders. Their stories are dynamic, encouraging, uplifting, empowering and, above all, will make the reader realize that anything is possible for anyone.

As this book was in its birthing process, a worldwide pandemic unfolded. This crisis began as a health crisis and quickly became a crisis of humanity and touched every aspect of our lives. This uncertainty has made one thing certain – one never knows what will happen to shift your business.

The stories within the book illustrate how to:

  • Believe in the ability to shift from trial to triumph
  • Unleash your passion, purpose and potential to create a business and life you love
  • Gain perspective on how to invent, reinvent and thrive through uncertainty
  • Connect with insights and inspiration for your own business journey
  • Benefit from the wisdom of those who have achieved sensational results

The contributing authors are:

Laurie Hawkins, Terry Fletcher, Tracy Teskey, Anita Watkins, Jennifer Matthews, Janine Taylor, Kate Thompson, Kris Dureau, Kristina Kastelanac, Krystal Lee Moore Lucier, and Rhett Hawkins.

In response to the book hitting Amazon’s Best Seller List, Laurie Hawkins stated, “Creating this book has given me the opportunity to showcase other people’s voices; to understand what is important to them and promote their success. What a beautiful gift! I am so in love with people, their stories. Of course I love the trials to triumph but I equally love the stories of people that take their gifts and rock the world with hope of what is possible.”

Soar: Transformational Stories of Strategy, Soul and Sensational Results in Business is available on Amazon at: