Multifamily Investment Guru Reed Goossens Hits Jackpot with His New Book

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Reed Goossens’ recently released book “10,000 Miles to the American Dream: Our Story of Financial Freedom” has recently emerged as Amazon’s number one international bestseller. The book chronicles the story of eight highly motivated Australians moving to the US from Australia in search of financial freedom and achieving the same through U.S. real estate.  Turning heads with his writing skills is nothing new to Goossens as his previous book titled “Investing in the US: The Ultimate Guide to US Real Estate” was also a great success.  

“10,000 Miles to the American Dream: Our Story of Financial Freedom,”shares the authors’ unique perspectives and proven track records of success. It also discusses different ways to invest in U.S real estate in the right way. Reed Goossens has provided his valuable inputs on leveraging group buying power through syndication and the 5-P Rule that many investors prefer for raising capital to build their business.

“I learned so much reading this book. I really liked the fact that it consolidated knowledge on several different components of real estate investing. Each component was written by someone who focuses of that particular field, meaning the reader gets deep knowledge on every aspect of real estate. I would absolutely recommend this book to someone looking to deeper his/her expertise in real estate investing,” a highly impressed reader mentioned in his Amazon review.

Reed started his real estate investing journey in 2009, inspired by Robert Kiyosaki’s globally acclaimed book “Rich Dad Poor Dad.” This book opened his eyes to the world of entrepreneurship and created an urge in him to abandon the conventional 9-5 career-path. He moved to the US from his motherland Australia in 2012 and purchased his first duplex for $38,000 within a year. Since this time, he has gone on to start Wildhorn Capital, a multifamily syndication investing firm which has been involved in the acquisition of over $250 million worth of real estate properties to date.

Reed started the podcast “Investing in the US – An Aussie’s guide to US real estate” in early 2016, wherein he interviews the top crop within the real estate industry to better educate other investors who want to break into the US Market.

To find out more about Reed Goossens, please visit

About Reed Goossens: Reed Goossens is a real estate investor, entrepreneur, author, public speaker and all-round good bloke. His background is in civil/structural engineering and he has over 9 years of professional experience before taking the plunge full time into real estate investing and development in 2009. Todayhe controls of over $250 mill worth of real estate since moving to the US back in 2012.