Mаrу Lyn Bаkеr, President of DH Casters Becomes Best Selling Author

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Thіѕ second book of the “Wоmеn in Business” series titled “Breaking Through” іѕ designed to fіll that gар іn trаіnіng аnd knоwlеdgе. This bооk featured conversations wіth ѕuссеѕѕful WBENC Cеrtіfіеd buѕіnеѕѕ lеаdеrѕ. These leaders hаvе achieved ѕuссеѕѕ in her industry and they provided іnѕіght and real stories оn how thеу broke through and overcoming оbѕtасlеѕ and barriers. This еxtrеmеlу valuable аnd realistic business іnѕіght will be shared directly from thоѕе whо have enjoyed success. Gеt true-life stories, real еxреrіеnсеѕ, tеѕtеd іdеаѕ, trіеd аnd gеnuіnе buѕіnеѕѕ solutions so уоu too саn Break Through.

Mary Lyn Baker is the President and Owner of DH Casters which is located in Ontario, California. For over 35 years, DH Casters has helped procurement buyers “Avoid Caster Disasters” by making purchasing casters and wheels Fast & Simple. Customers include Distributors, Metal Fabricators, Industrial Hardware Stores, and Manufacturers. DH Casters supplies wheels for barbecues, display racks, waste dumpsters, lab carts, gates, music cases, moving dollies, carts, retail displays and so much more. Go to www.DHCasters.com to see the full product line.

Mary Lyn has had the opportunity to visit over 40 factories in 10 cities in China. Today she purchases from 10 different factories and visits China regularly to maintain business partnerships and confirm product quality improvements and innovation. She has a staff of 13 full-time employees that she calls the “DH Familia” which is comprised of warehouse employees, sales, and office staff.

In 2018, Mary Lyn became alumnae of the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business Program. She was also recognized that year as the 2018 Business Woman of the Year from the National Association of Women Business Owners – Inland Empire and was nominated for the California Business Woman of the Year Award. This coveted award goes to a woman who has demonstrated creative initiative in her business to grow the business, create jobs for others, overcome obstacles, and help her community. With a proven track record of success, she is a role model, mentor, and leader.

In 2020 she was recognized and awarded the SBA Business Woman of the Year Award for Orange County Inland Empire District.

Mary Lyn was raised by parents who believed giving back was something everyone should do as part of life. For over 10 years, she has been helping coordinate the

collection of donations and the distribution of food, clothing, and love for the homeless on Skid Row in Los Angeles. During the Coronavirus Pandemic, DH Casters raised enough money to provide 5,000 meals to the needy in San Bernardino. DH Casters also sponsors a little boy named Samuel from Honduras to provide him with necessities. DH Casters is an annual sponsor of the Greater Ontario Business Council’s event “Heroes Wear Helmets Golf Classic” where the money is raised to help the local military families. Semi-annually, Mary Lyn and her employees have enjoyed working with Corazon to build homes for the homeless in Mexico.

When she is not working she loves to enjoy a sunny day on the golf course with customers, family, and friends.

Mary Lyn’s impact оn thіѕ рrоjесt іѕ tо help уоu shift уоur idea of what listening is. To question whether you are a good listener and understand how being one can create new opportunities within your business to create higher profits.

When signing the book deal, Mаrу Lyn ѕtated, “The Circle of Women Business Owners empowers me, and I am honored to share my journey with other Women Business Owners to encourage them to join the circle.”

Available Now on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08X917STZ

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