Lyn-Dee Eldridge Nominated for “Celebrate You” Wellness Woman of the Year 2020

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Lyn-Dee Eldridge is the Chief Happiness Officer of The Happiness Jungle, where she helps others shine their lights and find their true purpose. Lyn-Dee helps individuals, couples, families, small businesses, corporations, non-profit groups, schools, and universities understand how to apply happiness philosophies, how to live a less stressful life with positive actions, and how to control your emotions.

“In my mind, I kept replaying, “Lyn-Dee, be the best version of you today. Show up and Stand Out! Don’t try to compete with anyone in the world or look at what others have. You don’t know what it took to get them to their level of success. There are enough people in the world for everyone to have abundance. Now go shine your light today.” 

Eldridge is a No. 1 best-selling international author, keynote speaker, entrepreneur mentor, humorist, cancer survivor, domestic violence survivor, and TV/Radio/Podcast personality. She is the creator of the 3D Vision Board Experience and the ‘Happiness Jungle Emotional Support Body Pillow’ that comforted her through the healing process of Breast Cancer and a divorce three weeks into radiation. “It filled my needs and wishes,” said Eldridge, “After using the Happiness Jungle Emotional Support pillow, Les Brown became one of my business partners.”

Eldridge’s two books are ‘Tears Of Fears Behind Closed Doors’ and ‘Squeeze My Ta-tas.’ Both story books focus on her journey with domestic violence and breast cancer. 

“They are not “woe is me” books, but are filled with a healthy mindset and inspiring mindful and take action happier habits to bring calmness and light into your lives while going through these storms,” said Eldridge.  

“I am blessed to be a contributing author in many self-help and business books. I keep showing up. I host a podcast called, ‘I’m Crazy But You Can’t Lock me UP’.”

“I am a Mistress For Change,” said Eldridge.  “It hasn’t always been easy is an understatement; however, as I look back, I appreciate, and my success humbles me. It is all worth it. We do manifest and attract greatness into our lives, and I share the how-tos. I have designed my life to be exactly who and what I want to be. I am happy and grateful with surprises along the way!”

“When your cookies crumble like mine have — cancer, abuse, divorce, grieving, single, co- and step-parenting, becoming a caretaker, business owner, and dealing with financial pressures, aka, bankruptcy, I learned I can work through everything with a happier, more positive attitude and purpose. I have been able to scale, measure, and add value by turning my cookie crumbs into opportunities for growth and empowerment. Now I am living my life helping you live yours. It’s very rewarding.”

Contact Lyn-Dee Eldridge,

Co-Founder LaWanna Bradford explained, “In Celebrate You, we believe that when a woman can embrace and celebrate herself truly, she is then able to rise up and make an impact in the lives of her family, her community, the nation, and ultimately the world.”

“2020 was one of the most challenging years of our generation,” said Bradford.

“We celebrated nine amazing women who dared to face the changes and the challenges and strive to make a difference in the world. These women are unique in their backgrounds, experiences, and professions. However, the one thing they have in common is they live life intentionally and on purpose. They believe in the power of co-creating a life of abundance and impact.”

“These exceptional women are leaders and influencers. They always seek to find ways to encourage, inspire, uplift, and celebrate others,” she said.

“Through her unique and dynamic presentations and workshops virtually or live, Lyn-Dee Eldridge shares her passion, her enthusiasm, and her loving nature in a way that is contagious and guaranteed to enhance the healthier more happier well-being inner you,” said Bradford.

Bradford said, “We are excited to announce that the Master of Ceremonies is the Regional Sales Director with Provenir, Harlan Bradford, Jr., and live music will be played by two-time Emmy-award winning bassist, Tony Saunders. 

Tickets are on sale for $10.

The virtual celebration will be filled with tributes, spotlights, music, laughter, and a lot of fun. Everyone to “glam up from the waist up” and get ready to get your celebrate on! 

All proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to the Help Heal Humanity Charity. Help Heal Humanity is an internationally registered charity mindfully designed to provide the world’s most vulnerable youth with access to education, food, support, and love. Learn more about their service at Help Heal Humanity . 

About Celebrate You Wellness

Celebrate You was founded by visionary LaWanna Bradford with co-founders Barbara Beckley, Gwen Marshall, and Jacqueline Lulu Brown.

“Our Celebrate You Women Embracing Wellness movement is designed for women to truly celebrate their lives spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically, and financially and to reach for the highest and best version of themselves,” said LaWanna Bradford.

“It is about standing in your truth and being able to love yourself, embrace yourself, and always celebrate you!”

Join the Celebrate You movement at