Longevity Health Coach Jennifer Rychlick Reveals Easy and Pleasurable Ways For Women To Achieve Wellness Goals on Influencers Radio

Fitness News News Room

On a recent episode of Influencers Radio with Jack Mize, Longevity Health Coach and Founder of SheFlower.com Jennifer Rychlick discussed how she helps women enhance and empower the mind and body by combining mindset, movement, and natural remedies to achieve balance and harmony.

During the interview, Jennifer revealed how facing a life-threatening battle with ovarian cancer at the young age of thirty-eight was the ‘Wake Up Call’ that fuels her passion to do what she does today, explaining, “It was the day after my 38th birthday. I laugh now saying that I thought it was the worst birthday present possible. But what I discovered honestly, is that it turned out to be the best birthday present because it really woke me up to ‘This One Life’… At the time, I was a single mom of three in a very high demanding career in the beauty industry, working with women and seeing just so much suffering around me. And then there it was, I was being diagnosed with ovarian cancer. My big ‘Wake Up Call’ was sitting in chemotherapy, meeting lots of other women who are truly are fighting for their lives, telling me they were back with the same type of cancer as me for their third and fourth time. I was always one of the youngest there. I said to myself, there’s no way I’m coming back to this room again. And it was after going through the chemotherapy, really fighting through the battle, that actually almost killed me. On day 16, I lost my hair that one day. It was very much my wake up call to ‘This One Life.’ As soon as I recovered from that, I just felt deep in my soul that I needed to understand ‘Why so much suffering?’  ‘Why am I getting cancer at the young age of 38?’ I also wanted to understand why I was meeting so many other women fighting the same cancer again. And so that was really where I did my deep dive in and I’m here today to share it with others.”

Known as Coach Ms.Mindful, Jennifer Rychlick’s mission is to share what she describes as easy and pleasurable solutions to support longevity health. Her unique way of seeing the body as a system and what makes it sick and what makes it tick have been called game-changing and to many, even life-saving.

To listen to the full interview, visit: https://Influencersradio.com/jennifer-rychlick

To learn more about Coach Ms.Mindful Jennifer Rychlick, visit https://SheFlower.com