Ken Abel, Sales Director at Trailstone Insurance Group, Interviewed on Influential Entrepreneurs Podcast

Business News News Room

Trailstone Insurance Group is an independent insurance agent that represents multiple insurance companies. They are not locked into just one insurance company, which allows them to find the best options for coverage and the best pricing available. Having access to over 25 insurance companies means when rates go up with one company, Trailstone has the ability to move their clients’ insurance to a better option…in fact, they have an entire department in their agency focused on just renewals and finding the best coverages! There is no charge to use their service; the insurance carriers pay them.

Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network

Abel commented, “Making the switch to insurance might be strange to some after having such a creative background. However, I love it! The challenge and importance of finding the appropriate insurance coverage for people is exciting. Being able to make sure somebody is properly insured is important to me. Having three boys myself, I understand the importance of having the appropriate insurance coverage for families. As an insurance agent, my goal is to make sure each person I talk to is suitably covered while being attentive to their budgets, treating every person as if they were part of my own family!”

Dave Ramsey has endorsed Trailstone Insurance Group. Abel commented, “It took us years to pass Dave’s vetting process. We had to prove to Dave’s team that we have the “Heart of a Teacher” in our selling approach with our clients. This means we put your needs first before ours or the insurance carriers. Insurance agencies cannot purchase Dave’s endorsement, it must be earned. To ensure we are continually improving, Dave’s team does monthly training with the leadership here at Trailstone Insurance and asks for feedback directly from our customers.”



About Ken Abel

Ken is a Colorado Native that loves camping, hiking, and enjoying our beautiful Rocky Mountains. He grew up playing soccer, track and field, fencing, tae-kwon-do, racquetball, and snowboarding. He was always doing something active or creative. If he was not playing a sport, he practiced his artistic skills drawing and painting.

His background is in Graphic Design and Digital Imaging. He took his love for art through college and got his Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts. Going through college in the age where computer graphics were just starting was remarkably interesting. Studying new programs and technologies that were just getting started like Photoshop was absolutely fascinating. Nowadays, he likes to spend his free time with his boys and wife playing VR games, camping, hiking, or reading a good book.   

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