John Mennella’s “Common Sense Revisited – How The Left Has Bamboozled America” is a #1 Best Seller

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PORT ST LUCIE, FLORIDA, FEBRUARY 20TH, 2020 – John Mennella’s Common Sense Revisited – How The Left Has Bamboozled America recently became a #1 Best Seller on Amazon, where it led the charts in two categories.

Common Sense Revisited begins with poignant humor and takes a historical look at how we arrived at this point in time. Mennella takes you down the path of critical thinking and asks that you think for yourself not what others would wish of you. Many on the opposite side politically, who may oppose conservative thought, should remember that all speech is protected under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the legal DNA for our country.

Mennella, U.S. Navy Veteran and retired NJ Detective, was pleased to see the launch of Common Sense Revisited outrank all other books in Political Philosophy and Political and Social Sciences categories.

One recent reader said, “This book offers a true, common sense critique to understanding today’s political division created by a self-serving, elitist class that disguise themselves under the Democrat moniker. The Author has taken Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense,” and has applied it to the modern day, pointing out how Americans are being misled and further divided. This book also offers terrific insight into how the elitists have tried to convince us that President Donald Trump is bad; however, the Author makes us understand and sites many examples to the contrary. All in all, a great read.”

Mennella has seen firsthand how precious our freedom is and how easy it is to lose. After the last several years and seeing the direction this country is heading in, he decided to write this book in an attempt to help people change their perspective, and recognize what is really going on in our country, and who the true enemies are.

Mennella states “I hope this book serves as an awakening for all of you, and perhaps this book can put the power back into the hands of “WE THE PEOPLE,” and out of the hands of the corrupt political class that has run this nation into the ground.”

Currently, Common Sense Revisited is available exclusively on Amazon in both Kindle and paperback formats. More information can be found at

About John Mennella

John Mennella chose to serve his country and enlisted in the U.S. Navy at the age of 17. After his time in the military, he pursued a career in law enforcement. He spent 28 years and retired as a Detective in New Jersey. He has always had a passion for politics and history and has been very active in the conservative movement over the past couple of decades.