John And Kathy Stringer Teach The Power Of Love And How To Support BlackLivesMatter

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As the world continues to endure the cycles of suffering caused by separation and disregard for life, regardless of skin color, John and Kathy Stringer have sought ways to be of service and teach the concepts of love, healing and unity. Moved by the recent events in the world showing hate, divisiveness and intolerance for black lives, the couple has sought ways to help regarding the phrase #BlackLivesMatter, and more importantly, to help others identify ways that they can support each other during these troubled times. 

Seeking to provide an outlet for people to open a dialog on the subject and create a powerful conversation in the spirit of peace, love and support, they have worked with a large team to create a new educational and spiritual video called, “Power of Love & #BlackLivesMatter.” They have also created a guide ( with ideas and suggestions for how people can support #BlackLivesMatter to create healing in themselves and within their communities and the world.

John and Kathy Stringer were recently interviewed on “The Trust Factor Radio” about their new video, “Power of Love & #BlackLivesMatter.” John is a well-known voice in the music industry, and Founder of PolyPlat Records. He is a life teacher, speaker, Billboard charting singer-songwriter, healer, and author with a passion for music, community and limitless love and light. His wife Kathy operates Healing Arts Management, representing Billboard charting, award-winning, platinum-selling musicians, authors and speakers who are raising the vibration of the world with their passion and message.

During their interview on “The Trust Factor Radio,” John Stringer explained, “My wife and I decided to really dedicate our lives to service. We have created a company where we just serve, but it’s in a fulfilling way, it uses our talents and our gifts, we bring those to bring things to the world that help others feel good, but also help equip them with tools to navigate whatever is arising.”

John and Kathy both feel that teaching the Power of Love was an incredibly important message for the world. “We have seen the cycles of suffering and cycles of separation and racial issues from as long as recorded history can account for and there has never been anything that has necessarily changed that – nothing that we’ve ever done to eliminate that,” John said. 

He added, “It’s not that we don’t want to have a more just, fair and loving society—not that we don’t want to create laws that protect folk who are being oppressed and eliminate systemic racism, but I feel that all those are symptoms. Without addressing the roots of the problem, I think the rest is like a distraction. If we can teach that, we’ve actually done something to set ourselves free—tapping into a transformative power that is independent of these cycles…that transformative power, it changes our individual lives.”

John added, “This video is just one way of trying to bring more of that about. We teach others about taking inspired action versus action based on separation and divisiveness. The latter action leads to a lot of destruction, disempowerment and continuation of these cycles. We haven’t seen that kind of action as being something that truly transforms and heals in a way where these cycles stop in our own lives.”

Listen to the full interview for free at:

The “Power of Love & #BlackLivesMatter” is a healing work received/written by author, healer and billboard charting singer-songwriter, John Stringer, in 2015 (from his solo debut album, Limitless Love & Light) and the new video features Rev. Dr. Michael B. Beckwith, Louis Gossett, Jr; Rev. Bishop Barbara L. King, Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson, Sister Dr Jenna, Jill Colucci, Rev. David Alexander, Rev. Bishop Jack Bomar, Mama Jan, Rev. Deborah Johnson, V (formerly Eve Ensler), J Ivy and many more. The video was created by Creative Director, Shannon Kropf and Produced by Sandi Hulon.

To learn more about how you can create positive change in the world and support #BlackLivesMatter, watch the “Power of Love and #BlackLivesMatter” video below and add to the conversation about the Power of Love. 

About John Stringer

John Stringer is a life teacher, speaker, billboard charting singer-songwriter, healer, and author with a passion for music, community, expansion and limitless love and light. He currently serves as Founder of PolyPlat Records, Partner at Healing Arts Management and He is a co-host (with his wife) of the Awakened Pillow Talk podcast, Co-Founder of (an intuitive training membership site), and a True Collaboration leader at (clients include leaders at Netflix, Focus Brands, Home Depot, Cisco, Microsoft, NASA, ESPN, SunTrust and many more). John has performed throughout the world (including tours for U.S. Armed Forces). His music has been featured on major network television and he has also appeared in national print ads (Rolling Stone, VIBE, SPIN, Vanity Fair, etc.).

He travels extensively, speaking and playing at concerts, colleges/universities, workshops, spiritual centers, churches, conferences, retreats and festivals while sharing his uplifting and healing music and message through songs from both his debut solo album, “Limitless Love & Light,” which features the 2017 Posi Award-nominated song, “That’s Love;” and his follow up album, “Moment to Moment;” along with channeled teachings found in his new book, The Abundance Vibration: A Guide to Alignment. 

To learn more or connect with John Stringer, visit:

About Kathy Stringer

Kathy Stringer has spent the last 20+ years of her life focused on combining her desire to support and help artists succeed in their chosen career path with her love of music and her inner knowing that the power of music can assist all in creating the life of their dreams. Kathy has expressed her passions through artist management, running a highly successful music conference, producing retreats and events and working at indie record labels.

Currently, she and John own and operate Healing Arts Management where they represent Billboard charting, award-winning, platinum-selling musicians, authors and speakers who are raising the vibration of the world with their passion and message. They also plan and produce transformative retreats together, including the Conscious Songwriting Retreat which allows conscious and positive music songwriters to come together and inspire each other while co-creating songs through tapping into their inner genius, Expanding Awareness & Intuition Retreats and Women’s Retreats.

Most recently, Kathy has been connecting to her higher power to channel messages to share with others called “Musings.” She has coached and supported many individuals struggling with all kinds of loss (divorce, job loss, loss of connection to oneself etc.) and is grateful to be able to get her ego out of the way and share with others what is divinely intended to love and support.

For more information about Kathy Stringer,