Jeff Ingersoll — “The Accumulation Myth: 8 Retirement Flaws & How to Fix Them” is a Best Seller

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The Accumulation Myth: 8 Retirement Flaws & How to Fix Them was recognized in eight categories on Amazon. The book was No. 1 in the categories of Risk Management, Financial Engineering, Business Consulting, Financial Risk Management, Financial Services, Investing Commodities Trading, Business Planning & Forecasting in the United States, and the category of Purchasing & Buying in Canada.

Ingersoll said, “I’m very excited to be named a No. 1 bestselling author by Amazon. I wrote my book The Accumulation Myth: 8 Retirement Flaws & How to Fix Them to help investors to be more successful in retirement and to share step-by-step guidance as they navigate the investing world.” 

Ingersoll’s book exposes various Wall Street myths and how traditional investing methods during your retirement accumulation years may not work at all through your retirement distribution years. He also offers an entirely new way to think about wellness, money, investing, and retirement planning strategies called the Comfort Zone®. 

“A successful investment experience is not dependent upon outperforming the market,” said Jeff Ingersoll. “The only benchmark that truly matters is the one that measures and aligns your desired outcome to the one life you have to live.”

The Accumulation Myth will also give you valuable insights into eight classic, potentially fatal flaws to your retirement nest egg and help immunize you from the 7 Deadly Sins of Investing. It’s about your money – your future. Most investors get one opportunity to get this right – now is the time to create your retirement success story. 

Amazon verified purchaser Steve Lindsley wrote, “I rarely leave reviews after a purchase, but this book is a must-read for those interested in a fresh new perspective retirement.”  

Dave B., another Amazon reader, wrote, “I enjoy reading books like this and try to learn as much as I can from many different points of view. The author does a great job of adding to my retirement thinking and what I can do to ensure my financial goals are met. There are some things that I learned from this book that made me pause and re-think how I might approach investing and planning for my retirement to ensure I am financially on firm ground until I’m put into the ground. I recommend reading this book. I am not a financial wizard and appreciated how well the author explained different concepts, so even the average person could understand different financial approaches.”

Reader J. Sorge appreciated the graphics and in-depth explanations offered by Ingersoll. Sorge wrote, “I recommend ‘The Accumulation Myth: 8 Retirement Flaws & How to Fix Them’ for all investors, especially the small business owner. The explanations and graphs reinforce the import points and differences in investing wisely.”

Jeff Ingersoll is a financial professional dedicated to advising and enabling people to live an abundant life, a life of most potential.

 Ingersoll’s mission is to design retirement income strategies that lead to confidence and peace of mind. His planning process helps clients who have spent a lifetime growing their wealth and accumulating assets to now wisely draw upon these assets. Whether one is planning for retirement or already retired, Jeff’s process and experience can identify and resolve costly financial gaps and weaknesses that other financial advisors often overlook.

 Ingersoll has in-depth knowledge of financial issues that comes from over three decades of experience. His credentials include a B.S from Brigham Young University, Emphasis: Family Financial Planning and Counseling. Designations: Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA®) Wharton School of Business – the University of Pennsylvania, Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF®), and Qualified Plan Financial Consultant (QPFC). He is a member of the Investments and Wealth Institute® (IWI) and the National Association of Plan Advisors (NAPA).

 As an independent, fee-based fiduciary advisor, Jeff is data and outcome-driven—not pressured to implement certain financial products or meet subjective sales quotas. This independence enables him to explore and evaluate the marketplace to recommend strategies solely in his clients’ best interest. Jeff’s key to his success is his commitment and ability to cultivate mutually rewarding, long-term relationships founded upon principles of extraordinary personal service, stewardship, and trust. 

 Away from the office, Ingersoll has devoted years of service and leadership to his community’s youth. He is an avid sports enthusiast who enjoys reading, gardening, big band jazz, playing the piano, and watching movie classics. He and his wife, Cindi, recently celebrated 40 years of marriage and greatly treasure their relationships with family and friends.