In Response To Ongoing Great Resignation Trinity Publications Group Offers $50,000 Book Publishing Grants To Help 50 People In Search Of Better Work Opportunities

Business News News Room

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistic recently reported nearly 4.3 million people quit their jobs in January.  That level is near the quit rate record set in November 2021. In short, the Great Resignation is still in full swing.

The data suggests people are quitting their jobs to get better wages, more meaningful work and healthier working conditions. In fact, the Harvard Business Review reframes The Great Resignation as The Great Rethink.

Christine Sierra Love, Founder of Trinity Publications Group agrees with The Great Rethink process as she too has decided not go back to business as usual. “Before covid, I thought I had a great business. But, when the 12 to 15 hour work days vanished, I didn’t miss the hustle and grind.” Love continued, “In fact, after a year of not working, doing the stuff that matters most and completely owning my time, I found my flow and there’s no way I’m going back to the way things used to be.

In Love’s quest to make a bigger, better impact in the world, she rewrote the rules of her book publishing business, stopped doing client work and started partnering with new would-be authors on a profit-sharing bases. Love states, “It’s a win/win situation. The big upfront fees are gone. I help my partners find their authentic voice, get their book in their hands and then we profit together.” Love summarizes, “Our new book publishing process makes our new partners a better than living wage in their spare time or we don’t deserve to get paid.”

Love’s $50,000 ‘Rewrite The Rules’ Book Publishing Grant is designed to help her fellow members of The Great Resignation Club author their own, aspirational work-life experience. According to Love, refusing to return to insufficient wages, work without meaning and stress filled work environments is a courageous act that deserves to be rewarded. At the same time, bills have to be paid. The grant is a stop gap measure to ease the transition from doing work because a job is needed to doing work because it’s meaningful, inspired and rewarding.

To be eligible for the grants, people have to be able to invest three to five hours a week to get their book done, have a cause, idea or business they’d like to grow on the back of their book and commit to meeting publishing deadlines to get their book done this year.

The grants, totaling $2.5 million dollars have an April 21, 2022 deadline or the first 50 applicants get accepted, which ever happens first.

To apply, visit