Emmy Nominated TV and Film Producer Carole Isenberg Reveals How Mothers and the Female Lineage Impact Lifelong Decisions On Influencers Radio

Lifestyle News News Room Society

The Greek philosopher Socrates famously said, “The unexamined life is not worth living”. For Carole Isenberg, the examination of one’s life begins with the exploration of the matrilineal line. 

On a recent episode of Influencers Radio with Jack Mize, Emmy Nominated TV and Film Producer and founder of The Mother Lode Experience Carole Isenberg discussed how our mothers and even grandmothers are often the originators of the stories we tell ourselves… about ourselves as well as the curators of beliefs and internal laws by which we often live our lives.

During the interview, Carole shared her inspiration for creating The Mother Lode Experience, saying, “The Mother Lode Experience was actually inspired by my own life. I had a challenging relationship with my mother, and really had a chance to look at that. I found that over time, my friends would talk about their relationships with their mothers. I’ve always been a student of human behavior, and it fascinated me. I realize that our mothers, and our whole ancestral line, has a huge impact on who we become as adults. So, The Mother Lode Experience is an ability to take some time and really look at the impact.  What behaviors do we have that work? What behaviors do we have that don’t work? What family themes come down? When we can look at it, we can begin to make some choices. Do we want to continue that way? Do we want to make changes? And in the process of The Mother Lode Experience, there are many tools and exercises, so that we can actually unfold and really take a deeper look within so that the next step in our life is much more satisfying, it’s much more accomplished for what we want to be in this world.”

Whether a person was close with their mother or it was a struggle, Carole knows that examining this connection is worth its weight in gold. Being aware of the impact they can have on the choices one makes provides an opportunity to break through generations’ themes and ignite the next chapter of life.

Today, Carole’s mission is to inspire individuals from pre-teens to elders across all borders in a language they easily understand and assist them to access and develop their most potent realized selves. The Mother Lode Experience is a very healing experience. The process offers a place to heal the unhealed pieces.

To listen to the full interview, visit https://influencersradio.com/carole-isenberg

To learn more about Carole Isenberg and The Motherlode Experience, visit https://themotherlodeexperience.com/