Dr. Virginia LeBlanc, THE Pivot Maestro, Announces New Podcast on The Business Innovators Radio Network called “Define Your Path.”

Business News News Room

Dr. Virginia LeBlanc (DocV, as she is called) is a star on the global scene across industries, mastering the art of the pivot, and transformation through transition.

As a result of her heart-centered company Defining Paths (DP) and “people first” Human Capital Value (HCV) philosophy and training model, whether applied personally or professionally, she has transformed lives and businesses from the inside out witnessing extraordinary changes in operations, internal dynamics, productivity, and morale. Her current path focuses on her passion and two-fold mission helping retiring military transition from service into civilian life, as well as women leaders leave the workplace, in pursuit of living an inspired life through purposed entrepreneurship. Building success from scratch is her forté.

LeBlanc says of her new podcast, “Define Your Path is a podcast where we inspire and transform perspectives and help you think without a box to define your path in life and business by spotlighting thought leaders across industries through their stories. Our goal is to provide truth, transparency, and love to help you navigate the waters of your life and business. The show mantra, ‘Be your own boss in mind-body-soul and business through purposed entrepreneurship,’ says it all. Each episode will bring you mind stirring, body moving, soul lifting real talk with global thought leaders to touch hearts and minds for sustainable breakthroughs and profitability for your life and business.”


Next Steps Coach & Consultant, Dr. LeBlanc’s brilliance comes out in changing the narrative and shifting paradigms by shifting perspectives. She is a results-driven 360° leader with accomplishments and strong business acumen, which have afforded her respect and admiration across the globe. She speaks to the hearts, minds, and sousl of her clients and audiences, bringing conscious intuition to the forefront and giving divergent thinking guidance on how to connect the dots and put them together for sustainable wins!


See the latest episodes on the featured show page and subscribe to the podcast on your favorite podcasting platform! https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/define-your-path/  


About Dr. Virginia LeBlanc

Dr. Virginia (DocV) LeBlanc is a highly sought after and well-respected multi-disciplinary expert and global thought leader, delivering value across industries world-wide by sharing key ingredients to successfully pivot through transition gaps, aptly earning her the nickname “THE Pivot Maestro.”

Dr. LeBlanc’s work was birthed from her personal story of transformation through transition. Her ability to overcome, heal, rebuild, and transform her life and businesses from the inside out became a client mission. She brilliantly helps those experiencing change, brokenness, and trauma live inspired by empowering them to be their own boss in mind-body-soul and business.

She founded Defining Paths (DP) in 2017, not only a heart-centered, socially conscious company putting YOU back in business, but also a movement and network of global thought leaders, change makers, legacy builders, and purposed entrepreneurs. As a Holistic Transformational Coach, DocV has a two-fold mission through DP specializing in helping retiring military transition from service, as well as women leaders out of the workplace, into purposed entrepreneurship, guiding clients in next steps to pivot, face fears, connect the dots, and think without a box.

Dr. LeBlanc’s over 25 years’ experience spans business, government, higher education, the performing arts, and not-for-profit sectors serving entities as Joint Forces commands at the Pentagon, Department of the Navy, Booz Allen Hamilton, Indiana University, the National Pan-Hellenic Council, Inc., among other assignments. An author, speaker, singer, coach, consultant, trainer, and educator, she possesses a portfolio of diverse competencies and skills she credits to her successes, honed and leveraged through divergent thinking.

DocV is the international best-selling author of Love the Skin YOU’RE In: How to Conquer Life Through Divergent Thinking, her autobiographical love-letter to “Society” on socio-cultural conditioning and how she overcame to define her path and conquer in life, love, leadership, and business. Her next installment in the developing series is Love the Skin YOU’RE In for the Warfighter, Next Steps for Vets: How to Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome, due out Veteran’s Day, November 11, 2022.

Learn More: https://linktr.ee/definingpaths