Dr. Nancy Wiley, Author of “Divine Trust: A Practical Guide to End Suffering” and “Find Your Way Home” to Appear on OTEL TALK and OTEL Universe on March 11, 2022

Books & Literature News News Room

In her interview with Eileen Bild of OTEL Talk, Dr. Nancy Wiley discusses the events that led to the writing of Divine Trust: A Practical Guide to End Suffering and Find Your Way Home. In this book, which will be available on Amazon on March 30, Dr. Wiley offers a step-by-step guide to eliminating worry and stress through new techniques that she developed following lifelong studies with various spiritual teachers. She describes her journey from faith to doubt followed by a period of spiritual seeking, and finally her current state of enlightenment, which she has been experiencing for many years while practicing as a respected orthodontist in the Coral Springs and Parkland area, where she lives with her husband and daughter.

Dr. Wiley talks about how her relationship with Divine Trust has only deepened throughout the setbacks and trials of life. When her community experienced the tragic events at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Florida in February of 2018, she realized that she was positioned to help alleviate the suffering of those around her.  She sold her practice earlier this year and now devotes her time to sharing the spiritual techniques that she has developed, which she describes in her new book.

The interview can also be found on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/c/EileenBild.

Divine Trust: A Practical Guide to End Suffering and Find Your Way Home features a forward by Marci Shimoff, author of the New York Times bestseller Happy for No Reason. The book will be available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle formats on March 30. More details about Dr. Wiley’s journey, her book, and the related services she offers are provided on her website: trustthedivine.com.