Dave Skattum, Health Guru and Inspirational Speaker, Interviews Joel Fuhrman, M.D. Seven-Time New York Times Best-Selling Author About Intermittent Fasting

Health & Medicine News News Room

In this podcast interview, Dave Skattum and Dr. Fuhrman talk about how to modify your hours of eating to supercharge your health but also get the tools, motivation, and information to help you prefer healthful eating for the rest of your life and be satisfied.

Skattum said, “My health revolution started when I began to understand how the food I ate affected the health of my body. Dr. Fuhrman’s books, lectures, and seminars were the keys that gave me that understanding. His scientific and logical approach to nutrition changed my life.”

In the interview, Dr. Fuhrman teaches on the benefits of Intermittent Fasting which include:

  • Age slower
  • Lose weight
  • Resolve food cravings
  • Improve blood glucose and insulin sensitivity
  • Get rid of type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol
  • Strengthen your immune defenses

Listen to the full interview on iTunes, Spotify, and other popular podcast platforms or by clicking here: Business Innovators Radio


About Dr. Joel Fuhrman:

Dr. Fuhrman coined the term “Nutritarian” to describe a nutrient-dense eating style, designed to prevent cancer, slow aging, and extend lifespan. 

For over 30 years, Dr. Fuhrman has shown that it is possible to achieve sustainable weight loss and reverse heart disease, diabetes, and many other illnesses using smart nutrition. In his medical practice, and through his books and television specials, he continues to bring this life-saving message to hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Dr. Fuhrman is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania (Perelman) School of Medicine (1988) and has received the St. Joseph’s Family Practice Resident’s Teaching Award for his contribution to the education of family practice residents; and a C3 Cardiology Global Health Award for teaching cardiologists nutritional science. 

In addition to his medical practice in New Jersey, Dr. Fuhrman also operates the Eat To Live Retreat in San Diego. At this residential facility, people from all over the world come to stay for 4-12 weeks to conquer food addiction, lose weight, and recover their health. 

Dr. Fuhrman is a former world-class figure skater, who placed second in the United States National Pairs Championships in 1973 and third in the World Professional Pairs Skating Championship. Along with his nutritional expertise, Dr. Fuhrman has been involved professionally with sports medical committees, advising professional and Olympic athletes, and athletic trainers about maximizing performance as they age and preventing injury.

Learn more about Dr. Fuhrman https://www.drfuhrman.com/




About Dave Skattum:

Dave Skattum is a family man, a health guru, and an inspirational speaker. In his late 40s, some life-changing experiences created a starting gate for him to make drastic changes to improve his health. Since then he has taken off 70 pounds, participates in Triathlons and Ultra Trail running, and has weaned himself off junk food. He enjoys nutritious foods, has become accurate in his thinking, and has taken his spiritual life to a new level.

When speaking to an audience about his experience in getting healthy, he brings excitement and hope. Dave is a Certified Nutritarian, a CPT, distinguished Toastmaster, and a Certified Instructor with the Napoleon Hill Foundation.


To get in touch with Dave, join the online forum, and to order his book visit http://www.the4pillarsofmenshealth.com