Coach Jacqueline Jimenez Releases ‘How to Work Remotely Without Losing Your Job’ Book To Help People Deal With Current Crisis

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Jacqueline Jimenez is the No. 1 Motivation Speaker for the Latina community. She is a Certified Executive Business Coach and Transformational Coach. Her Motto is – “Ignite the Power in You. You are the Creator of your Present.”

Her book “How to Work Remotely Without Losing Your Job”  is available on Amazon.  “In this environment of uncertainty, we can create from nothing. When you have a positive mindset and faith in God, you know that anything is possible. You can create the life of your dreams when you are willing to let go of the past and open yourself to new possibilities in your life,” Jimenez said. “The past is the past and you cannot change it. Once you realize that the present is all you have and that you are created for a purpose that is bigger than you, the possibilities are unlimited.”

She added, “Opening yourself to receiving is also very important especially if you are a giver and you are not used to receiving from others. I can understand that myself since I am so independent and I always live my life stating that I did not need anyone. Now, I am part of different communities and that self-awareness has transformed my life in so many ways. Now I know exactly what is my purpose in life and that I want to serve others with the gifts that I received from God. I am a servant for God and he takes me to amazing places and I am also with a TEAM of amazing like-minded people that not only are part of my life but they are also my support during the times that I feel that I need something to lean on. They are my ROCK, I am their LEADER, and as a community, we are creating amazing transformations in communication with our families and friends.”

To learn more or connect with Coach Jackie, visit

Purchase the book here.

About Jacqueline Jimenez

JACQUELINE JIMENEZ is a Certified Executive Business Coach and is currently in the Landmark Program – Team, Management, and Leadership Program. She is also a Certified Financial and Trust Advisor and she is passionate about coaching entrepreneurs into extraordinary Leaders that can transform their communities and families in communication. She is a member of 2 Toastmasters clubs and she enjoys spending time with her family and friends on the weekends.