Certified Life Purpose and Career Coach Monica Moody Hits Nine Amazon Best Seller Lists with “Be Yourself to Free Yourself”

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Certified Life Purpose and Career Coach Monica Moody‘s recent release, Be Yourself Free Yourself Awakening to the Life You Are Meant to Live  hit nine Amazon best seller lists on April 27, 2021, climbing all the way to number one in the Faith & Spirituality category. The book also took top ranking in the categories of spiritual healing, personal growth, and women’s inspirational spirituality and appeared on ten hot new release lists.

Be Yourself to Free Yourself” is a love-infused guide that lays out a path for fueling the awakening to our true selves and opening to a liberated and a fully lived life. In this honest and insightful guidebook and memoir, readers discover how to:

  • Identify and shift behaviors that have kept them from living a vibrant, soul-aligned life
  • Walk in purpose, own their worthiness, and live from an empowered state of grace
  • Leverage the laws of the Universe to call forth their heart’s desires
  • Cultivate innate, intuitive power to navigate life with greater ease
  • Release the hustle and learn to flow with the goodness of life.

The book is an inspiring guide that provides readers with tools and strategies that will help them to create positive shifts in their individual lives and in the world at large.  And it stands ready to become the definitive guide on how to journey towards love and grace.

In response to the success of the book on launch day, Moody shared, “It’s time for a new way of being that sets us free to be the brilliant beings we were born to be and the success of the book shows that many are beyond ready.”

As many resurface from recent global challenges in search of new meaning and new paths, Be Yourself to Free Yourself is a must read for spiritual seekers.

The book is available in both print and Kindle versions on Amazon.

About the Author

Monica Moody is a guide and mentor for those who desire to recover and reclaim their authentic power, live purposefully, and move through their lives, towards their goals and dreams, with greater ease and grace.

A Certified Life Purpose and Career Coach, Spiritual Writer, Trainer and Facilitator, Monica shares practical, spiritual wisdom and details a path towards self-liberation and personal mastery. She believes that, by learning to embody the essential soul qualities of self-awareness, authenticity, vulnerability, responsibility, compassion, resilience, humility, and grace, we can each reclaim our personal power and create a brave new world.

Learn more at www.OwningChange.com.