Amazon Best Seller, “EXPERT IN YOU: Build a Lucrative and Impactful Coaching & Consulting Business from Your Xpertise” by Ann Carden, Now Available in Paperback

Ann Carden is a Business Growth Consultant with 41 years of business experience, 13 years in corporate business management and 29 years building six businesses for herself and selling five of those. She is also an Amazon Best Selling Author, a speaker and a coach. Ann has consulted with business owners in over thirty-eight different types of companies from $0-$5M and educated thousands of professionals through speaking, workshops, and seminars as a Speaker.

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The Power of the One Drop Movement Revealed in Sammy Blindell’s Latest Book, The Law of Brand Attraction 2.

The Law of Brand Attraction 2, shares profound ideas, thought-provoking activities, enlightening stories, and sage words of advice from a variety of industry experts, guiding visionary business owners to tap into their unique talents so they may build their own movements to give back and create further transformation in the world! 

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