Children’s Book Author and Mom To Eight, Heather Davis Hits Multiple Amazon Best Seller Lists with Inclusion Book “The Blomes & The Smooms and the Impossible Bridge” Illustrated By Corryn Webb

The Blomes & The Smooms reached #1 on’s Best Seller List in multiple children’s categories including Social Activism & Volunteering, Immigration books, Diversity & Multicultural eBooks, and Inspirational & Personal Growth on May 13, 2021.

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Become a Published Author in as Fast as 90 Days, Without Writing a Word, with Marjah Simon-Meinefeld and The Authors Writer’s Academy.

The Authors Writer’s Academy guides individuals through powerful yet practical systems that make becoming an author painless by removing the complicated steps of editing, marketing, and publishing. Founder Marjah Simon-Meinefeld provides a smooth, straightforward process allowing clients to revel in each moment of becoming a published author.

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