Branded Expert Press Launches Search for Business Owners, Entrepreneurs and Community Leaders to be Featured in New Book Project

Business News News Room

C. Mike Lewis, Publisher for Branded Expert Press, confirmed they have officially launched a search for Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, and Community Leaders to be featured in the upcoming book series, “Ideas Worth Knowing.”

Explaining the search process, Lewis said, “This is an important series for us, so we will be reaching out to our network of media professionals and freelance journalists to submit profiles of local business owners and community leaders who they feel are true advocates for the success of their customers and community.

Ideas Worth Knowing will feature conversations with selected Influencers & Innovators sharing their insights and real-world experiences in making a difference in the lives of others.”

Lewis said, “The people we select to be included in this series are passionate about their business and the people they help. They will answer the tough questions and bust the myths and misconceptions around some of the most common and not-so-common situations we face in life. ‘Ideas Worth Knowing’ will cover a lot of information that is rarely talked about when it comes to overcoming obstacles and achieving success in business and life.”

With several industry leaders expressing interest in participating, Branded Expert Press is expected to announce the final selections soon.

However, Lewis asserted, “One of the reasons we launched this search is because we did not want to go the route of filling this series with the stereotypical ‘Experts.’ This search would be unnecessary if that were the case. We anticipate a lot of exposure around this project for the people we select to feature in the series, so we really want to showcase those Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, and Community Leaders who are actually in the trenches, working hard every day and willing to share that experience to benefit the success of their communities. That is what will make this a win-win project.”

Ideas Worth Knowing’ will be available in Digital and Paperback editions through Amazon as well as most major online and offline bookstores and retailers.