Becoming the Light from the Shadows of Abuse – A Podcast Series with Sarah Griffiths

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Highly specialised trauma and abuse therapist Sarah Griffiths is excited to announce the launch of her new podcast. Becoming the Light from the Shadows of Abuse for Sally G TV will feature weekly online episodes with Sarah and her guests unpacking the traumatic events of their past and how they reconciled them to get on the path to success. In 2020, more and more people every day are accessing new methods of achieving better mental health. 

Sarah’s ambition of spreading the word, that taking control of your story through accepting the past, fits perfectly with the spirit of a wellbeing podcast. Designed to help as many people as possible achieve positive changes through the mindful exchange of ideas in a relaxing setting, Sarah and her guests are more than equipped to deliver. Her professional background ensures the tools and coping methods she discusses with listeners are sound but it is her personal background that gives this project its heart.

A colourful background of adversity is what shapes Sarah’s deep empathy. Healing from her own wounds, a difficult upbringing, low-self esteem and hitting rock bottom informs her philosophy that anyone can turn their life around and become the light.

This also will be a welcome addition to Sarah’s list of innovative therapeutic accolades, which include being certified to practice Rapid Transformational Therapy. On this latest venture, Sarah has said ‘I chose this title because it’s a reflection of not only who I am, but who my guests are. What we are aiming to do is to share the stories of who we have become and our successes, despite our past of some kind of abuse’.

With several instalments now available at , topics range from over-coming the self sabotaging behaviour trauma inspires to how the mind affects the physical body. Episodes are also available via Apple and Android podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and TuneIn.

A more in depth profile of Sarah is available at .