Anti-Bullying and Martial Arts Franchise, Warrior Island, Announces the Airing of Season 2 of Saga 1 of The Warrior Island TV Show and The Release of The Comic Book Issue #8

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On a mysterious hidden island, fighters from around the world, who have been voted by the fans, will travel to train with the grand masters of martial arts. These fighters from every corner of the globe, will compete and battle each other while learning the Tiki code.

Warrior Island was started in January of 2012 after James B. Jefferson left his media position covering the UFC and Bellator. James went on to meet with Grand Masters of Martial Arts like The Black Dragon Ron Van Clief and Hollywood Producers like Ben Perry and Michael Felker, to brainstorm to produce a better idea, and Warrior Island was born.

Every week, fighters will train and fight using all forms of martial arts including karate, kung fu, jiu jitsu, boxing, wrestling, and more. These fighters will battle until only one fighter remains standing to become the Ultimate Island Warrior.

“Warrior Island is considered the ultimate test of character, discipline, dedication and endurance where the fans have a voice,” James Jefferson stated. This Strong Man of Faith goes on to say “just look at the great Warriors of the Bible like King David and Sampson, they had great power, but both had lessons to learn”

In Season 2 of Saga 1 of the Warrior Island TV show, the 16 fighters that were voted into the island in Season 1, will be followed in their daily lives in Season 2.  These fighters will also be followed as they prepare to travel to Warrior Island in Season 3 of Saga 1. “What do these men go through daily to become the warriors they are?” Says Executive Producer Michael Felker. At some point during each episode, red Ninjas deliver a scroll that will personally invite these fighters to Warrior Island. 


It was Jefferson’s vision to create Martial Arts Entertainment, that brought back an “old school” feel, where bowing and shaking hands and even hugging your opponent after competing was standard, where respect and honor took center stage. It is this mentality, along with collaboration with martial arts legends, with multiple promoters, and tournaments that the birth of Warrior Island and the Tiki Code was born.  

Jefferson goes on to say, “I realized I wanted to create something that was built on true principles and rich history of Martial Arts. To bring back respect and honor the warriors and their teachers. The Tiki code solves this with an ever-growing Arsenal of amazing Tikis that each represent what we want these martial artists to learn. If you take a bully who is the original victim and teach them a better way to harness their aggression and anger with Respect, Honor, Empathy, Courage, etc., then we can start to solve the problem.”

“Warrior Island is more than just competition. It is an entire idea, way of life a franchise that can leave a positive impact on society with an anti-bully message,” James commented.

Bullying is such a prevalent and harmful behavior that even celebrities have publicly made their views clear.

According to, an official website of the United States government, about 20% of students ages 12-18 experienced bullying nationwide. These students who reported being bullied said they thought those who bullied them:

  • Had the ability to influence other students’ perception of them (56%).
  • Had more social influence (50%).
  • Were physically stronger or larger (40%).
  • Had more money (31%).

Research also indicates that persistent bullying can lead to or worsen feelings of isolation, rejection, exclusion, and despair, as well as depression and anxiety, which can contribute to suicidal behavior.

Martial arts icon and movie star, Jackie Chan, expressed his own experience with bullying.

Jackie Chan elaborated, “I was bullied until I prevented a new student from being bullied.”

Jefferson wanted to create a sport-entertainment experience that mixes the martial arts history of “Enter the Dragon”, the passion of mixed martial arts, with the fan interaction of ‘American Idol,’ the endurance of ‘Survivor,’ all while embracing what Jefferson calls “The Tiki Code.”

Remembering what those who came before him taught him as a younger man, Jefferson wanted an MMA and Martial Arts environment that was grounded in tradition and fair play, where self-defense and the true art of Martial Arts was the focus.

As the dream became a reality, Warrior Island was born as the premise of the TV show would be fighters earning their place on this “mysterious hidden island” by fans voting on them online. Then when on the Island training with the Grand Masters, they must always show the proper character as a winner and champion. Jefferson explained that fighters would be penalized for poor behavior.

“If a fighter is not showing proper character, that fighter will be penalized if not following the TIKI code with less training time or other amenities, however if a fighter shows wonderful character and the true way of the Warrior, they will be rewarded with extra amenities like more protein, more training, more rest and even sports massage for healing,” Jefferson concluded.

Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federation of Teachers, also expressed her opinion about the bullying problem when she stated, “You can’t be against bullying without actually doing something about it.”

Warrior Island has produced 8 amazing action-packed comic books with 2 more to be released this summer and launched at the reed pop Comic Con Events this fall. All of the hero characters in the comics represent real fighters and Grand Masters of Martial Arts and fight bullying with the Tiki Code. 

In addition, their company has also expanded the series by launching a coloring and activity adventure book for all ages. With their Tiki code patches and stickers, martial arts teachers and schools around the world can help guide bullies and victims to a better way of living.

“We are creating comic books to change the world. Our programs and products are designed to make a huge difference in martial arts dojos, school systems and youth sports. As a part of our long-time plan, these comic books will soon be turned into graphic novels and full-feature Hollywood movies. We will teach bullies to become protectors instead of perpetrators,” James concluded.

Season 1 and Season 2 of Saga 1 can be watched for Free on their brand new Free streaming service at  

About James Jefferson

James Jefferson M.E.S. C.S.N. C.P.T. Founder, President, and CEO: James Jefferson has almost 40 years of sports entertainment promotion. He has developed a franchise for the last decade that has grown worldwide and expanded its reach and income monthly. Through his media and entertainment connections, James has been able to break through multiple industries to build this brand. With a Master’s Degree and almost 4 decades of Martial Arts training, James is a great leader of the Warrior Island team. In 2021, James was inducted into the International Ultimate Warrior Hall of Fame. James is Blessed to have his Wife Nicole by his side as he sees his dream turn into reality.

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