Amazon Best Seller, “EXPERT IN YOU: Build a Lucrative and Impactful Coaching & Consulting Business from Your Xpertise” by Ann Carden, Now Available in Paperback

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Ann dedicated her book to all the coaches and consultants who are out there flailing in the wind and trying to have success. One month they have many clients with a high income but then they lose a couple of clients and they are back down again. Being on the income roller-coaster is no way to run or enjoy your business.

Her new book, “EXPERT IN YOU: Build a Lucrative and Impactful Coaching & Consulting Business from Your Xpertise”, hit best-seller lists on within 24 hours of release. It was ranked #1 Hot Release in the Kindle “Service Industry” category and in many top spots in other best Amazon sellers lists. The book is now available on Amazon as a paperback.

In this Best Seller book, Ann describes what she found to be the winning formula she uses herself and teaches others to apply. She believes that once the coach or consultant gets things working right, they will have a rinse-and-repeat system that they can count on to build a dream business. From there, they can scale and leverage their business to achieve an even higher level of success.

Ann’s first business started in 1991 after leaving a thirteen-year corporate business management position to stay home and raise her children. Making a move from the west coast to the Midwest to be closer to her family, she had to face many unforeseen obstacles.

Because of the financial struggles she experienced, she started her entrepreneurial journey which would span over 29 years. Over the 29 years, she built six businesses from the ground up and sold five of them for significant profits. Her coaching and consulting business is her sixth successful business.

Carden stated; “This book is for the success-minded coaches and consultants or professional service providers who want to reach a higher level in their business. This book provides a step-by-step strategic game plan to reach the next level. It teaches how to plan the business, how to get clients, how to deliver the services, and scale a coaching and consulting business. This book, “EXPERT IN YOU” – Build a Lucrative and Impactful Coaching and Consulting Business From Your Xpertise, is a strategic game-plan.

“Over the years I have finally “dialed in” what it takes to have a multiple-six-figure or beyond coaching and consulting business you can love, helping clients get great results, making a great income, while still having freedom in your life. These things are why I am writing this book for you,” Ann concluded.

Ann Carden’s Best Seller “EXPERT IN YOU: Build a Lucrative and Impactful Coaching & Consulting Business from Your Xpertise can be purchased on Amazon