World-Class Luminaries Share Predictions for 2023

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2022 is a wrap! It is time to welcome the endless possibilities of 2023. Founder, Editor in Chief, Media and News Publisher of MSP News Global, Mark Stephen Pooler, believes in starting each year with strength and positivity and focusing on all of the love, abundance, and beauty that the world provides despite the typical ups and downs. For years, Mark has practiced remaining in a state of gratitude to continue a life of progress, and he is a huge proponent of seeking out the positive in any situation. Once again, as a guide for navigating into the New Year, Mark has hand selected some of the world’s most well-known changemakers to share their secrets for drawing in positive energy and to hear their predictions for 2023.

Global Transformational Speaker, Feng Shui Master, and star of The Secret, Marie Diamond, predicts a substantial increase of female leadership in business and politics, including the integration of female values. Kindness, collaboration, and utilizing harmony are attributes Marie anticipates replacing cut-throat business practices. Best Kept Secret: Utilize intuition as a compass for decision-making.

Celia Louise, Author and Intuitive Mentor, sees a strong desire for spiritual renewal in the New Year. To guide individuals in personal development, she suggests seeking the heart – where she believes wisdom lives and can unlock hidden wounds. Advice from the Heart: Keep the heart open to tap into its superpower.


President of Hasmark Publishing International Judy O’Beirn expects credibility and authenticity to hold the greatest value in 2023. As the personal development market is only increasing, Judy’s Headline Reads: Place priority on exhibiting relatability, genuine emotion, and sincerity to benefit others and build community.


Gwen Lepard is an International Best-Selling Author and Transformation Coach. Tips for Vitality: 1) Focus on what’s right and allow that to become an immersive experience, 2) Express gratitude for what feels good internally, and 3) Resist temptations to dwell on negativity. Acknowledge it, and keep going!


Publisher, Best-Selling Author, and Entrepreneur Brenda Dempsey is on a mission to change lives! Brenda believes personal development is a lifestyle choice, not a journey. Prediction: The New Year will bring growth for those who continue to take action towards success, strengthen their will, and take time to nurture themselves.

High-Performance Wellness Coach and Founder of, Lidia Kuleshnyk, helps clients master their inner power. Gateway for Growth in 2023: Time to turn the focus inward! Lidia recommends making conscious choices to consolidate energy, identifying doable steps to achieve goals, and celebrating each step of the journey.

Branding Philosopher and Feminine Achievement Maven Jenni Parker Brown views well-being as the key to manifestation and fulfillment and sees the coming year full of innovation and work-life balance. Secrets to Success: Do not compromise on health and reconnect with the values of a life well lived.

Talia Adika, International Health Insurance Specialist, foresees this being the year of increased focus on healthy living, physically and mentally. Health Hint: Focus on optimistic outcomes and seek out others who exude positivity in life and are a compliment, not a detriment.

Desiree Anderson, Founder and Managing Director of Crest Coaching & HR, provides companies with the power to charge forward via cutting-edge coaching techniques, NLP, and healing strategies. Coaching Tip: Identify career ambitions by considering the ‘future of work’ to perfect the necessary skills needed to evolve swiftly.


Jeannetta Collier is the CEO and Founder of Nu’Blac Investments, Imaginary Glass Ceiling, and Jeannetta Collier Enterprises. She is a successful woman who has developed game-changing, proven processes. Success Strategy: Always develop a plan with clear goals and timeframes. Do not be afraid to step outside the box – leave fear behind and step into innovation!


Ranked #1 in the Top 50 Global Thought Leaders on Mental Health, Barbara Vercruysse is the Founder of the BV Empowerment & Kindness Institute. She explains that mental well-being has never been a more critical asset. Empowerment Advice: Step out of the comparison trap game and leave self-pressure behind. Instead, look at individual strengths and focus on growing and blossoming by following inner wisdom as the ultimate guide.  

Michelle A. Reinglass, Lawyer-turned-Mediator, #1 International Best-Selling Author, and Reiki Master, views the coming year as revealing more transparency, diversity, inclusiveness, and increased awareness and education on mental health and wellness. Master Tip: Focus on the Four P’s of Success! Pivot, Purpose, Plan, and People. 

Gayle Edwards is a Global Well-Being and Impact Strategy Coach who anticipates AGILE Leadership™ becoming the cornerstone of personal and professional development as it guides organizations through difficult times, placing higher importance on mental health. Words of Wisdom: To become a great leader, one must leave a margin for magic. Here, individuals feel empowered to be more authentic, and thus where the magic happens!


It is official! 2023 aims to provide considerable opportunities for impacting BIG change in business, health, relationships, and state of mind. Mark’s best secret, developed through years of practice, is to always focus on the good and support others in need. Success, love, happiness, peace, and well-being will follow. 



Mark Stephen Pooler is the Founder, Editor in Chief, Media & News Publisher of MSP News Global. Mark oversees the company’s media business and its intersection with global business leaders. Before forming MSP News Global in 2020, Mark spent his time as a Professional Speaker, International Bestselling Author, Radio Host, and PR & Media Specialist. Mark is also the Founder of TMSP Agency, a Premium Media and PR Agency. He helps high-profile entrepreneurs share their stories globally through PR and digital media. When not working with his valued clients, Mark enjoys spending time with Lilly, his four-legged bestie.