Learn How to Achieve Royal Status from the Sovereign Six Who Run Queens In Business and Get Expert Tips in Their New Book Time to Reign

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It’s no secret that the world we’re currently living in provides women everywhere with more than enough anxiety, stress, and cause for self-doubt. This truly is a harrowing era many are faced with. Queens In Business Club, a community for female entrepreneurs, co-founded by six female entrepreneurs, each with their distinct area of expertise are Chloë Bisson – The Automation Queen, Carrie Griffiths – The Speaking Queen, Marjah Simon-Meinefeld – The Wealth Queen, Shim Ravalia – The Health Queen, Sunna Coleman – The Writing Queen and Tanya Grant – The Branding Queen. These sovereign six recently decided to form the community to foster camaraderie and motivate women everywhere to help them build and grow the business of their dreams. With their extensive, cumulative background and experience they realized that as a collaborative group they had just the tools to see this goal become a reality!   

Between the six ladies, they have won multiple awards in entrepreneurship, have two #1 best-selling books, a #1 best-selling album, and several of them earning six figures in revenue annually. To say they are one impressive team is quite an understatement! They have taken the world by storm in many categories and enjoy a life of abundance. Their most recent accomplishment and useful tool is their first co-authored book entitled Time To Reign: 16 Stories of Female Entrepreneurs Creating Their Queendom. This guide to tapping into inner strengths and passions and learning to locate the right sources and strategies to fuel these passions into something powerful is nothing short of fascinating and inspiring! Time To Reign: 16 Stories of Female Entrepreneurs Creating Their Queendom is filled with stories and tips from 16 co-authors, all of whom are successful and inspiring female entrepreneurs. 

This exciting, informative read is perfect for other entrepreneurs who are running a business and who are eager to find a supportive community to help them advance, and overcome hurdles, in various stages of their business journey. It is also a great medium for women who want to start a business but are unsure of where to begin. The Queens In Business have been through it all and in Time To Reign: 16 Stories of Female Entrepreneurs Creating Their Queendom they share their triumphs and defeats for those looking to find their success without having to spend a fortune getting there. Additional authors’ contributions are useful in that they provide just the right tips and strategies for women so that they may bypass harmful methods and go straight to the constructive methods.   

The Queens are on a mission to change the world of entrepreneurship because they believe that every woman has what it takes to be successful and they feel that every person’s gift is possibly a means for helping someone else! Their ultimate desire is to create a movement that enables women to enjoy career success without feeling guilty for making it a priority and to encourage their drive for success.

Time To Reign: 16 Stories of Female Entrepreneurs Creating Their Queendom is a remarkably powerful book that will have women everywhere, regardless of their age, jumping up to pursue the future they’ve always envisioned. Not only will Time To Reign: 16 Stories of Female Entrepreneurs Creating Their Queendom provide the roadmap to get started but it will arm women to become exactly the role models and leaders that their children need. It will truly be a guide that will impact generations to follow.




The Queens In Business Club is a community founded by six incredible female entrepreneurs who provide guidance to women looking to start or grow their own businesses. Chloë Bisson, Carrie Griffiths, Marjah Simon-Meinefeld, Shim Ravalia, Sunna Coleman and Tanya Grant created the Queens in Business Club to recognise the achievements of women, to support and guide female entrepreneurs and to give them the tools to build and grow their own successful businesses. 

From being on the covers of global magazines to speaking on stages of over 30,000 people, these six female entrepreneurs have spent years building their own businesses and now they are focused on dedicating their time to supporting other female entrepreneurs to do the same.