Premier Travel Founder Anne Kulhanek Reveals How To Plan A Bucket List Vacation On Influencers Radio

Lifestyle News News Room Travel

On a recent episode of Influencers Radio with Jack Mize, Anne Kulhanek, founder of Premier Travel, talks about how she is helping travelers, especially those 50 and over, plan once-in-a-lifetime bucket list vacations.

Since the COVID-19 travel shutdowns, would-be vacationers have been cooped up for a long time. Now that much of the world is opening up, they are ready to get out and about.

While planning a vacation was a DIY exercise for many before the shutdowns, things have certainly changed. More and more discerning travelers aren’t willing to jeopardize their vacation experience trying to navigate travel restrictions and COVID protocols on their own. Instead, they are turning to pros like Anne Kulhanek.

Specializing in once-in-a-lifetime bucket list vacations, Anne’s team at Premier Travel amplifies traveler’s vacation dreams beyond what they thought was possible. Her vacations are never cookie cutter and always customized.

During the interview, Anne explained that what makes a trip ‘once in a lifetime’ is defined by her clients, saying, “Luxury for everyone is so different. The word luxury is commonly used in travel, and it’s funny because every travel supplier considers themselves to be luxury. But it really is defined by you. For you, luxury might be a first-class airline ticket to Europe, and staying in a penthouse suite at a certain hotel. For somebody else, luxury might be traveling to Ireland just being among the locals, staying at an authentic hotel, and meeting the owner of a little pub. So luxury really is, in my opinion, about doing what you want to do in the way that you want to do it. Whether it’s off the beaten path or an iconic place that’s very popular, it is about you, what you want out of this trip, and what’s customized just for you.”

With over two decades of travel agency experience, Anne’s strong relationships with quality travel providers, along with her network of local partners and guides, ensures her clients have the trip of a lifetime. As independent agents, Anne’s team at Premier Travel works on behalf of their clients, shopping and selecting travel providers who will deliver exactly what they need and at the best price.

To listen to the full interview, visit

To learn more about Anne Kulhanek and Premier Travel, visit